TUI Nordic AB
Fritidsresegruppen took things into their own hands
Fritidsresegruppen is a Nordic concern of leading travel organizers in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Head organizers are Fritidsresor in Sweden, Star Tour in Norway and Denmark and Finnmatkat in Finland. The group also provides travel through TEMA and Nazar. The company also includes the charter airline TUIFly Nordic.
Since the 3rd of September 2007, Fritidsresor is included in the world’s largest travel concern, TUI Travel Pic, a network of European travel companies. TUI Travel Pic is the world’s largest travel concern with over 30 million customers a year and selling trips around the world from 25 countries. All together, 50 000 people work within TUI Travel Pic.
In the past Fritidsresegruppen was connected to a centrally procured uniform contract, which meant that most of the companies within TUI Travel Pic ordered their uniforms from the same supplier. From an economical point of view this was a good solution. But from a logisticpoint of view it didn’t work as well. Fritidsresor and TUI Fly Nordic therefor contacted Uniformskonsulten in order to investigate the possibility of purchasing uniforms for the Nordic market from a Nordic supplier. An analysis performed by Uniformskonsulten showed that this would be economically feasible and that it would provide many advantages. Uniformskonsulten was then given the assignment, in collaboration with the group responsible for uniforms, to execute a request for quotation, including the evaluation, negotiations, and finally formulating the agreement with the chosen supplier.
The assignment is now completed, but we still contribute with advice on a continuous basis whenever questions arise.
“Now we have a uniform contract which gives us satisfied users and saves us a lot of work.”
CatarinaLögdahl, responsible for handling of uniforms at TUI Fly Nordic.