Reitan Servicehandel Sverige coordinated the procurement of work wear and saved a lot of money.
The Norwegian company Reitangruppen AS run, through their Scandinavian subsidiaries, the brands Pressbyrån, Press stop, 7-Eleven, Shell/7-Eleven and Narvesen.
In the past, each of the subsidiaries of Reitangruppen purchased their work wear separately. This resulted in separate logistics structure, totally different pricing and quality level that varied among the companies. In order to streamline the handling and making it more cost effective, Uniformskonsulten was hired to do an analysis of the existing contracts and the procurement procedure for work wear. In the analysis we mapped out how the collection was working and how it was perceived internally, and we analysed if the products kept the appropriate levels of quality and pricing. We were also given the assignment to evaluate the possibility of economic gain by means of a joint procurement for all companies in the Scandinavian countries.
The analysis showed that there were great prospects for better quality, fit and function, and that a joint, competitive procurement procedure would lead to lower purchasing costs. We have, together with clothing managers in each country, executed a procurement which has resulted in contracts with clearly specified quality demands for both products and logistics, which in turn has resulted in significantly lower costs than prior contracts allowed.
“Through lower prices, higher quality, better fit together with functioning logistic, we have given our merchants the best possible circumstances to care for and protect our brand.”
JennicaWeerén, Marketing coordinator, 7-Eleven Sweden.